Why hello there!
That's right, I'm back! As if I haven't said that enough already! And so are my over-analyzing posts!
And today:
More specifically, the inventory UI! Although, I will be touching on some details concerning some of the other UI's as well. So lets get right into it!That's right, I'm back! As if I haven't said that enough already! And so are my over-analyzing posts!
And today:
On the very first blog post, "A sneak peek at Hytale's user interface", we get shown this image (which is the main focus of this post.):
So I assume that this is the normal inventory screen, which would pop up when a hotkey is pressed. There's a whole lot to comprehend in this one image, so I'm going to have to break it down bit by bit. The first thing I want to cover is the inventory itself. Let me just blow up the picture a little so we can see better:
Alright, so that kind of worked... At least it's something. Anyway, some things to note here are that the number of slots (including in the hot-bar) are identical to Minecraft, except for the fact that there's one extra row, making it 45 slots instead of Minecraft's 36, so that's nice. It's also confirmed that weapons and helmets are not stack-able (no surprise there). We do get a sneak peek at the textures of some... leather, I think. Finally, see that workbench near the top right?
Well that's just unreadable! This is that tool-tip on the right side of the main image. It basically just gives an overview of the crafting bench. Now, I see this going two ways. One: this is showing up in the inventory because the person is either currently looking at that block in the world, or two: that their mouse is hovering over it in the inventory (that's why I just pointed it out). Or, it could just always show up like that, though that doesn't really make sense. I personally think the mouse theory, it makes the most sense, and maybe they just edited out the mouse to not distract us. I don't really know... Moving on!
On the left, we see the character, similar to minecraft, with armor slots around it. However, it looks like there are no specific shoes, instead being replaced by gauntlets or gloves. Very interesting take. Moving down, there are four slots for rings, and one unknown slot for, well... the unknown. So I'm guessing the rings will give you various buffs, and most likely are made with runes or minerals. The thing I'm wondering, is how to get them? Do you craft them? If so, how? Since in the armory and workbench UI, there's no ring icon. I addressed a similar issue with tools in my post "Theorizing Farming" (you should check it out).
Moving on, the icons at the bottom display what I take to mean (left to right): Health, Health boost, Stamina, Stamina boost, Defense, Melee damage, Ranged damage, and Magic damage. Now, I'm really not sure about the health boost and stamina icons, I assume that the health boost shows how much extra health you have from rings and stuff. HOWEVER, if you see under the Melee damage icon, there is an added +15 in green. So why not just do that for the health? I don't know. For the stamina, I'm not even sure if that is Stamina, or Mana, or even anything related to that. It just looks like energy or magic. If that is the case, we might have to think about that in terms of magic weapons. Who knows? Okay, finally moving forward:
So I won't dwell on this too much, since it doesn't have too much to do with the inventory. In the blog post, they state,
" We’re still experimenting with the UI, particularly when it comes to crafting. One of our ideas is to incorporate crafting and processing directly into the inventory screen, letting you easily and quickly assemble the gear you need to survive in the wilds while also offering flexibility for PvP players."
That being said, there's not very much to talk about, maybe in an entirely separate post about crafting. So, that one was quick. We're almost there, stay with me guys!
Okay, so at the top, we see a compass, which I'm assuming is similar to Skyrim's, in the sense that you can add way-points, and potentially there could be existing landmarks. So there's a good chance this is always at the top of the screen, not just in the inventory.
Yay! we're finally at the end. But we're not quite done yet. In the bottom right corner rests these four icons. These four icons that I've spent very long trying to interpret. So the first one, with the hotkey being L (Or I, it's probably I). It's a book. This can mean a couple things. It's probably a skill tree or some type of intelligence system (which could have a whole theory of its own!), or some other type of book related thing, perhaps with different races' languages? The next icon is a compass, almost definitely a map (also, it's key is M). The map is also in the same blog post giving this image:
But I'm not going into that! Back to our four icons. Here, I'll paste it again so you don't have to scroll back up and down:
Alright, so the third icon is a bag. That bag makes me think of money. It could be to do with that. However, it's most likely the inventory, since it also looks like an inventory icon, plus I think the key says E. This would mean that the four icons, along with the compass, are always present on screen (since you're already in the inventory!). This also makes sense with the map, since there's no point in opening the inventory in order to open the map. That means all four can always be accessed with a tap of the corresponding key during gameplay. And finally, the last icon is 100% something to do with trading. The image and hotkey (T) both strongly point to that. Now this is interesting. This trading system can always be accessed (as we figured with the other three), which makes it all the more interesting. Do you unlock different nations/races to trade materials or money with? Can the trading system play into the story? Does trade influence your reputation? Oh, there are endless possibilities!
Now that that's over with, I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope it got those creative juices flowing! A like would be appreciated, and, as always, feel free to put any thoughts or comments down below.Until next time!