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Hytale Hub: Staff Requirements

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  • Staff Requirements

    Below is a list of the requirements for active Staff members here at HytaleHub.com as well as our subsidiary websites. In order to remain a Staff member at Hytale Hub, there is a certain level of activity, engagement, and adherence to specific policies that must be met.

    We have publicized these requirements for the sake of keeping potential Staff applicants better informed so that there are no surprises in the event that they are accepted as a Staff member here at Hytale Hub. We have also publicized these requirements for the sake of being as open and transparent as possible with the Hytale community as a whole in regards to the general manner in which we go about managing our community and websites.

    Inactivity Policy

    "Inactivity" is defined as excessively prolonged absence with no clear, or rational reason(s). Prolonged inactivity can and will eventually result in a demotion, or total removal from the Hytale Hub Staff Team.

    Staff Members may be given an inactivity warning no more than 3 times before facing the risk of a demotion. Demotions will be voted on by a Staff member's peers, and the owners of Hytale Hub. (For instance, if a moderator becomes inactive, his fellow moderators and the owners will vote on whether or not to demote him.)

    After this demotion, if a Staff member chooses to remain inactive, he or she will risk being removed from the Staff team entirely.

    For Managerial Staff
    • TBA

    For Helpers & Moderators
    • Both Helpers and Moderators are expected to be consistently active in both the Staff and Public Hytale Hub Discord. If a Helper or Moderator has not sent a message in either server in more than 1 week, he or she will be considered inactive on Discord.
    • Both Helpers and Moderators are expected to be consistently active on HytaleHub.com. If there have been no moderation actions performed, no messages sent, or no engagements of any kind with any user outside of the Site's Chatroom(s) in more than 1 week, he or she will be considered inactive on HytaleHub.com
    Wiki Editors
    • Wiki Editors are expected to consistently create, update, and improve pages throughout the Hytale Hub Wiki. If a Wiki Editor has not created a page in more than 30 days, he or she will be considered inactive on HytaleHub.com. If he/she has not updated a page in more than 10 days, he or she will also be considered inactive.
    For Developers
    • Developers are expected to actively contribute to the progression of their respective subsidiary site. However, as most developers are "part-time", and since this position is more skill-specific, requirements for this position vary from person to person. For more details, message an owner.

    For Content Creators (Media Staff, GFX)
    • Content Creators are expected to actively contribute to the progression of their respective subsidiary site. However, as most content creators are contracted, and since this position is more skill-specific, requirements for this position vary from person to person. For more details, message an owner.
    Conflicts of Interest

    Conflicts of interest are defined as other sites, or projects which are similar to, and/or in direct competition with, but not associated with HytaleHub.com and/or any of its subsidiary websites. Conflicts of Interests may also be extended to closely-tied affiliation with individuals that are mentioned on our Blacklist. Some conflicts of interests are tolerable in the event that the Staff member associated with said interest consistently contributes to Hytale Hub, and has an impeccable record within our community.

    There are varying degrees of "Conflicts" of interest.

    They are as follows:

    Major Conflict of Interest
    (This puts you at risk of demotion)
    • Unaffiliated Unofficial Hytale Community Forums
    • Any site, group, or person that is on our Blacklist

    Moderate Conflict of Interest
    (This makes a possible promotion significantly more difficult)
    • Unaffiliated Hytale Server Lists
    • Unaffiliated Hytale Server Hosts

    Light Conflict of Interest
    (This makes a possible promotion slightly more difficult)
    • Unaffiliated Hytale Discord Servers
    • Unffiliated Hytale Community Server website

    Things which we do not perceive as a conflict of interest:
    • Any Hytale Social Media
    • Any Hytale Youtube Channel not mentioned on our Blacklist
    • Any Hytale Subreddit not mentioned on our Blacklist
    If a conflict of interest is deemed to be too much of a risk to Hytale Hub's longevity, or interference with your ability to perform the tasks associated with your role at Hytale Hub, it will be significantly harder for you to be promoted to a higher position of authority at HytaleHub.com or at any of our subsidiary projects/websites.

    NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)

    As a Staff member at HytaleHub.com, or at any of our subsidiary websites, you acknowledge that it is both unethical and inappropriate to leak private conversations had between other Staff members to anyone outside of the Staff team. Conversations pertaining to development, moderator actions, demotions, promotions, marketing strategies, partnerships, or anything else of a private and/or sensitive nature should under no circumstances be shared with the general public.

    Unsanctioned disclosure of private matters of any kind is a violation of the trust that the rest of the Hytale Hub Staff has invested in you and will therefore consequentially result in immediate removal from our Staff team.
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