making a huge list of every og name and pasting them all in until i get one, or I will try to aim for a 1, 2 or 3 letter word/letter(s) depending on the minimum characters. im also gonna try and get og names on lots of different accounts
Most likely there will be a minimum character of 3 letters but we will never know
and I am not sure what usernames I am going to be after but I'm guessing if I am 5 minutes late or am at school
because my timezone is different to most peoples that I will miss out on any of the OG usernames as they will be taken almost instantly
When and where did they say this? I truly hope I'll be able to get at least one OG, but I don't understand if we will be able to reserve an IGN for free w/o buying the game?
Honestly don't know yet. I'm stumped. Oooh maybe one of my old GW2/WoW/Swtor characters! An old GW2 character was called Amelia Rose, but I doubt I'll use it. Prefer to go for a more unique name if possible.