[Suggestion] Lower the trophy points for the referrals.
It is much too overpowered at the moment. If you post like 100 messages, you only get 10 trophies and if you get a total of 500 likes, you only get 30 trophy points.
When you have a referral, you get 5 trophy points. This means that 6 referrals are more worth than 500 likes. I don't think this is a good idea.
Also, people with like 100 referrals have now more than 500 trophy points, just because they have a big community. I think you should add other trophies and make the referrals worth around 1 or 2 trophy points.
It is much too overpowered at the moment. If you post like 100 messages, you only get 10 trophies and if you get a total of 500 likes, you only get 30 trophy points.
When you have a referral, you get 5 trophy points. This means that 6 referrals are more worth than 500 likes. I don't think this is a good idea.
Also, people with like 100 referrals have now more than 500 trophy points, just because they have a big community. I think you should add other trophies and make the referrals worth around 1 or 2 trophy points.
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