Not necessarily, you can also host it on your own computer if you just want to play with some friends. If you are looking for server hosting by a hosting company you will need to pay some money since the hardware it runs on has to be paid for, which is not cheap.
Server hosting is never going to be free, that would just be dumb durr. They have to pay for all of the costs like electric, hardware and more and they have to make a profit or it would be pointless of running the business.
I might have some info here, considering I work for Depending on how much resources the server software uses we plan to include it in all our plans, even a free one. Some more details here: Hytale Server Hosting
I might have some info here, considering I work for Depending on how much resources the server software uses we plan to include it in all our plans, even a free one. Some more details here: Hytale Server Hosting
I might have some info here, considering I work for Depending on how much resources the server software uses we plan to include it in all our plans, even a free one. Some more details here: Hytale Server Hosting
Not trying to bash or anything but you are preparing to host Hytale servers however you have no idea how these servers will be run. I'm interested to know if you have already started work on compatibility or not?
Not trying to bash or anything but you are preparing to host Hytale servers however you have no idea how these servers will be run. I'm interested to know if you have already started work on compatibility or not?
It has been confirmed that Hytale servers will run on java making it probably a lot like a Minecraft server. Knowing this it's quite easy to get some things going. The only unknown is how resource intensive the servers will be.
As a hosting panel creator, I know there will still be alternations that need doing to their panel to work with Hytale. For example, streaming logs, IP and port allocations to name a few.
I think big servers will have to pay but just servers that are starting out wouldn't have to pay or just wouldn't have to pay that much that system would be awesome.
I think big servers will have to pay but just servers that are starting out wouldn't have to pay or just wouldn't have to pay that much that system would be awesome.