Lets say you get hit by an arrow with a sharpness enchantment and you get hit, but you notice you are still losing health, you think something is attacking you but you are actually bleeding from the sharpness effect of the arrow. Will there be bleeding?
Lets say you get hit with a fire ball from another player. You lose some health but manage to run away, but you are still taking damage from the fire ball because the flames are still left on your armor/clothes. Will there be burning/poison like in Minecraft?
Lets say an enemy mob (orc, skeleton, monster) hits you with a sword or something sharp (doesn't have to be sharp just for the concept) and it hits you in your left/right arm and your arm gets paralyzed for a certain amount of time or until you heal it yourself. You hit slower with it, use magic less efficiently, overall you are weaker with that arm. Same can be said for the left/right leg if it gets hit, you wont be able to run or will run/walk slower. Will there be dizziness, damage to parts of the players boy so it can't be used as efficiently?
These effects I don't know how to show them to you so i will just ask:
P.S. Sorry if its too long
Lets say you get hit with a fire ball from another player. You lose some health but manage to run away, but you are still taking damage from the fire ball because the flames are still left on your armor/clothes. Will there be burning/poison like in Minecraft?
Lets say an enemy mob (orc, skeleton, monster) hits you with a sword or something sharp (doesn't have to be sharp just for the concept) and it hits you in your left/right arm and your arm gets paralyzed for a certain amount of time or until you heal it yourself. You hit slower with it, use magic less efficiently, overall you are weaker with that arm. Same can be said for the left/right leg if it gets hit, you wont be able to run or will run/walk slower. Will there be dizziness, damage to parts of the players boy so it can't be used as efficiently?
These effects I don't know how to show them to you so i will just ask:
- Will there be hunger? (I'm guessing there will but its better to ask)
- Will there be effect that buff my character like strength and speed boosts?
- Will there be enchantments? (I think it was in the trailer that it would)
- Will there be permanent effects like in the "hardcore survival game" in the game or in the hardcore mode of the game?
P.S. Sorry if its too long