(NOTE: This is an official post originally created at https://hytale.com which we are sharing for ease of communication/information redistribution purposes!)
It's hard to believe that it's only been two months since we announced Hytale. We've been blown away by the attention that the game has received. After three years of working on the game in secret, every tweet, article, and video means a lot to us.
It's been particularly exciting to see an engaged and creative community start to form. Every piece of fan art that we've received has been shared among the team and has motivated us as we continue to work on the game. In this fan art showcase, we're going to share some of the pieces that we've particularly enjoyed. Thank you to everyone who has shared their art with us!

This stunning poster by Llamafreak really nails the atmosphere we're aiming for with Hytale's adventure mode. With a flaming sword and glowing portal front and center, there's a sense of mystery and epic adventure that we really like. Crucially, though, there's also room for a photobombing Kweebec - it wouldn't be Hytale without one!
This piece was originally speedpainted for a video, and you can find more of Llamafreak's work on their channel.
Llamafreak says:
"I'll always go above and beyond for fan art because it combines what I'm interested in with my drive for improving my artwork. Hytale was one of those perfect opportunities. As soon as the trailer dropped, I sat down, replayed it endlessly, and started work on a poster that I thought would encapsulate the same level of epic-ness that I felt while watching it."
Slamma has produced a trio of original music pieces. You can listen to one of them, 'Subterra', in the YouTube video above. Check out Slamma's channel for the others! We admire how Slamma's music mirrors the feel of Hytale's official soundtrack, and how they've incorporated the game's atmosphere into each piece.
Slamma says:
"Hytale's awesome environments and amazing music inspired me to write my own 'fan-music'! I tried to incorporate themes from the existing Hytale music and did my best to give the music the same vibes as the underground jungle"

This piece of art was inspired by a part of Hytale seen in our World Gen Introduction - the underground lakes and forests beneath zone 4. We like how Roko has taken an environment glimpsed in a piece of concept art and fleshed it out with their own ideas. The startled explorer at the bottom is a nice touch too, providing a sense of the adventures that might be waiting at the bottom of the world.

Rob Kawaev has produced a series of Hytale-inspired props for his YouTube channel, and we were particularly impressed by this fire sword - which was painted by Na Moriko. It's been really exciting for us to see Hytale enter the real world in this way!
If you're feeling inspired to build your own fire sword, you can find instructions in this video.

It's also been exciting for us to see Hytale adapted into lots of different forms by the community. These animations by Aura recreate Varyn and Gaia as pixel art - they look like characters from a lost 16-bit RPG!
Aura says:
"As an aspiring pixel artist, I wanted to use Hytale as a medium for my work. The world and lore of Hytale interested me so much to create pixel art for such incredible characters such as Gaia and Varyn."

This character concept by Ez3z has loads of personality and feels like it has a story to tell. We like how this piece takes inspiration from the core Feran design and combines it with original elements like the brace of potions and hanging lantern.
Ez3z says:
"I've always loved traveling merchants in video games and fantasy worlds, and the world of Hytale struck me as an ideal place for a merchant to wander. I thought an unassuming and adorable but battle-scarred Feran merchant would be a fun idea. He's approachable for his customers, but if he's going to travel on his own in such a dangerous world he'd have to be pretty dangerous himself."

NuFFy's imposing ice dragon has a grand sense of scale. It's great to see our designs adapted into different art styles, and we like how grizzled and mean NuFFy has managed to make the dragon look.
NuFFy says:
“The game looks and sounds amazing for being a block game! and I just wanted to show my support on the great designs you all manage to create with basic shapes!”

This brilliant Trork model is one of several Hytale sculptures created by Nana - others include Kweebecs and even the legendary TurboChicken!. There are so many great details in this diorama, from the surprised-looking pigeons to the line of drool dripping from the Trork's mouth. Ew!
Nana says:
“I felt compelled to recreate the Trork because of everything about the trailer - the art, the music, the ability to free build. The Trorks are gigantic and intimidating, especially with the drool! I just imagine myself in the grip of one of those Trorks, and watching the dangling drool swinging back and forth over my head! Now that's scary.”

Greater's render of Varyn brings one of most dramatic pieces of key art to life in 3D. It's a very professional-looking work that provides a strong sense of the insidious power that Varyn wields. In this case, the abyss is definitely staring back at you!
Greater says:
"After going through all of the concepts on the website and seeing all of the possibilities and scope of the game I just had to make something to express my newfound love for the game. And it did help that Varyn was extremely badass!"

We've only really scratched the surface of Hytale's lore in what we've revealed so far, but Cidercet's rendition of Gaia captures the essence of the character beautifully. There's a real sense of innocence, mystery, and power, and the piece invites further questions. Who is Gaia? Why is she so important? What does she want? We'll give you a clue: it isn't a beta key.
Cidercet says:
“I'm just so excited over all the content we've seen so far for Hytale, especially the concept art! I decided to draw the lovely Gaia for my first piece and I hope to draw a lot more fan art of Hytale's characters in future!”
We'd love to keep sharing fan art with the community. If you've created a piece that you'd like to send to us, tag it #hytalefanart to make sure we see it. We're also working on a submission form that will allow you to send your art to us directly through the website. Be sure to follow us on Twitter for further updates!
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