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Hytale Won an Award and Why That Matters


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Feb 12, 2020
By Antnest8

If you have followed Hytale on twitter at all this last week, then you have probably seen something about Hytale winning the Most Anticipated Game Award in the NI awards (NI is short for North Ireland, if you did not know). It is amazing that Hytale is receiving the recognition and if you are reading this, you probably have been waiting for this game as well! So, in celebration of the award, I will talk a bit about the NI awards in general, who Hytale was competing against and why this matters!

So just a brief background, The Northern Ireland Game awards is, as its name implies, an award show showcasing games developed in Northern Ireland (which is where Hypixel Studio’s headquarters is at). The awards has been running since 2017.

The Competition

Hytale is a going to be awesome, and we know that! From my perspective it would be hard for Hytale to lose the award. However, after looking at the other nominee’s I don’t think it was that certain, so here is just a quick glance at what Hytale was up against.

Dynasty of the Sands
Dynasty of the Sands is a god-like city builder focused in ancient Egypt. If you have ever played Anno, Sims or City Skylines, then think of that. After looking into several of the dev blogs and the trailers, I have to say that this game is not only beautiful, but also looks like it could be very difficult. At one point the dev’s hover over the resource list showcasing over 20 different metals and resources to collect and manage!


Project Amber Splash FLAT Small.png
Well, this is awkward… Two games that end with “-tale”? Well thankfully this game does not resemble Hytale that much. However, it might bear some similarities to Zone 4! Ambertale is a cute shop-managing game, where your customers aren’t people, but Dinosaurs! It doesn’t take long to see its inspiration in games like Animal Crossing with the art style and general casualness of the game. However, this game is a true indie game, being created by a team of 2, one of which is an artist specializing in dinosaurs (So it’s not that surprising why the chose dinosaurs as characters). Anyway, Noxy gave the team a shoutout several times on twitter, as well!


The Pale Beyond

The Pale Beyond is a Polar Exploration, Survival, story-game where you are the in charge of a group of 20 or so sailors (and a few dogs!), stranded in the artic, after your ship ran aground on the ice, whist searching for its sister ship which disappeared in this area! The game focuses not only on good decision making for survival, but also keeping your crews moral high and considering their feelings! After all, you are stuck in the most bleak, deserted, and cold environment on earth!


Buildings have feelings too!

Speaking of feelings, what about your house? I bet that it has always wanted to just stand up and talk to it’s neighbors! Well, in Buildings have feelings too! It might do just that! Buildings have feelings too is not your average city builder as you have to work with sentient buildings with their own ambitions, fears and strengths! I will also mention that this game has been nominated before in the 2018 NI game awards!

Paleo Pines

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What is with Northern Ireland and cute dinosaurs?? Well, Paleo Pines might look a lot like Ambertale, but It’s different (I think). In Paleo Pines you are a Dinosaur Rancher, taming Dino’s and adding to your ranch and then you can ride them into to untamed countryside! Apparently, this game is an RPG so, there might be a decent story!


Before the Blood

I bet this is just another cute game like Pale-

Ok, guess not. Before the Blood is a realistic Beat-Em’ Up, game where you are investigating the location where your characters brother allegedly took his own life. However, to get to the area, you must first get though a bunch of gangs. Well, I will say this game has the best graphics, but is definitely intended for mature audiences.


Why it Matters

Before I go on, I first want to say, that if any of the above games interest you, check them out because they all look of great quality and you might really enjoy it! Ok, so Hytale won the award, but why does that matter? It’s nice to be recognized and all, but does it really help Hypixel Studios at all?


After looking around and doing some research I found that an average person is exposed to 6k to 10k advertisements a day[1]. This is insane! How many times do you remember clicking on an advertisement? I know if the companies catch me on a good day, then I might click on 1-2 ads. The calculated percentage of clicks per views differs with what source you find, but an estimate I found of around .1% (1/1000) seems realistic to me for banner ads. (around 1% for web search).[2] Since advertising is hard to pull off now days, it always helps to showcase an award on your advertisements!


In every blog, website, or forum I have looked at about business awards, Moral always seems to come up as one of the benefits. Winning the Most Anticipated Game has got to feel great as a dev studio and Hypixel Studios certainly deserves it!


Hytale has already received plenty of investment from Riot, but winning an award is a great way to increase your visibility to investors!


Even with Riot behind them, Hytale has a long way to go to win the hearts of minds of their audience. A few minutes of research can show that Hytale is certainly no clone cashing in on Minecraft’s success, but people don’t always take a few minutes, and showcasing an award will be an effective strategy on clearing any misinterpretations people have.


If you still do not care about any of this, you can at least appreciate that Hytale had a chance to shine this last week. This was not the first time Hytale was nominated for an award, last year Hytale was nominated for the 2019 Golden Joystick Awards Most Anticipated Game as well but failed to secure the title. Hopefully in the future Hytale can win many other awards, but in the Game of the Year section instead!

[1] https://ppcprotect.com/how-many-ads-do-we-see-a-day/#:~:text=Fast%20forward%20to%202021%2C%20and,10%2C000%20ads%20every%20single%20day.

[2] https://www.smartinsights.com/inter...ytics/display-advertising-clickthrough-rates/
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May 19, 2019


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Jan 25, 2021
Could you fix your references at the bottom of your post? They don't seem to be working for me


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Feb 12, 2020


Mar 5, 2021
Definitely important to keep the Hytale hype up, and maybe it even introduced some new members to the community!