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Hytale In Reality: Animals (Part 1)


Community Manager
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Community Manager
Feb 12, 2020
By Antnest8

Hytale has shown us an incredible biodiversity that exists in it’s 4 revealed zones. Most screenshots include at least one animal, each with its own behaviors and purpose. This is a sequel post to my Hytale In Reality: Metals and therefore will be following the same style and purpose: Since we don’t know much about Hytale, we can take a look at real life and possibly find some features from life that could be in the game. Without further Ado, let us get into it!



Bears are a Mob we have seen a few times in Zone 1 and it will possibly pose quite a challenge to early players. We don’t know much about bears, other than they sleep in caves

Physical Traits: Bears are generally large mammals that can weigh almost a ton (polar bears)! However, there are smaller bears like the sun bear that weigh only around 100 pounds. Bears are strong creatures with the larger specimens being able to uproot small trees and kill with a single blow! Now this would be very intimidating if added into Hytale and we can be sure that bears will hit hard. Thankfully, Armor and magic should help in fighting these creatures.

Habitat: Bears live in a variety of habitats, with most species living in heavily forested areas, except for the Polar Bear that lives on Ice Sheets. Bears will often lodge in caves, under logs or in Hillsides. This means we will see bears in Zone 1 and Zone 3. I doubt it, but there is a possibility of some bears in Zone 4’s caves as well.

Types: There are 8 Kinds of bears: Polar Bears, Brown Bears, American Black Bears, Asian Black Bears, Sun Bears, Sloth Bears, Spectacled Bears and Giant Pandas. We know that Brown Bears and Polar Bears are in Hytale so far.

Diet: Most species of Bears are omnivores, this means they will often find diverse diets of Fruit, berries and roots as well as meat. Polar Bears are mainly Carnivores and Pandas are mainly Herbivores. This means that the Brown bears of zone 1 might be eating berries as much as hunting you!

Aggressiveness/Danger: Bears are incredibly dangerous with all of them, (maybe with the exception of sun bears) having the strength to injure or kill a human in 1 blow. However, some bears are more docile and will often, just be curious of any human in the area. Panda’s are often known for being the most docile, but even then, they have been known to attack if aggravated. Bears in Hytale will likely be dangerous foes at the beginning of the game, and caution is recommended.

Random Facts: Bears can sit up, like humans. I just think this would be funny if implemented in game.



Frogs have been a fan favorite for a long time now, starting with the fen stalkers and their cute interactions with their jumpy friends. Now with the addition of the Ancient Toad/Stegosaurus frog/Whatever it is, frogs are becoming more popular than ever, so here are some frog facts.

Physical Traits: Frogs are small amphibians that live in moist climates around the world. The Frog family (this includes toads) is one of the most diverse invertebrate families on earth. The largest frogs can grow up to a foot in real life and can be as small as 7.7 millimeters!! Frogs cannot be away from water for long as their skin requires moisture.

Habitat: Frogs live all across the world in different habitats, frogs live in Wetlands, rainforests, grasslands, Deciduous and coniferous forests. So we will probably see frogs in Zone 1 and 4

Types: Frogs are an incredibly diverse genus, but some notables include Poison Dart Frogs, Toads, Tree frogs, Bullfrogs and Purple Frogs. I really hope, Poison Dart Frogs are added

Diet: Frogs are largely Carnivorous!!! But you don’t have to worry, because frogs can only eat small creatures (usually insects). In a recent postcard, the team revealed a larger variation of a frog with large scale/spikes on it’s back. If there are large enough frogs in Hytale, then there could be a danger.

Aggressiveness/Danger: Frogs are not aggressive to humans and will usually hop away if confronted. However, there are a few frogs that can kill you, notably the poison dart frogs, which secrete neurotoxins. There are also frogs that will try to intimidate you by enlarging themselves, which is not dangerous, but it is kind of funny

Random Facts: There is no taxonomic (genetic) difference between Frogs and Toads.



We have often seen owl’s flying around near the tree tops of Zone 3. However, one does wonder how much owls will actually play-into the world. Here are some facts and maybe we could get a few hints?

Physical Traits: Owls are relatively medium birds of prey, the hunt mostly nocturnally and can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees!!

Habitat: Owls can live in a variety of environments, but usually reside in Forests. The snowy owl can live in the tundra. Desert owls can live in the tundra and some can even live in the jungle. This would cover all of the known Zones of Orbis, but so far, owls have only been seen in Zone 3, but I think that they will likely be found in Zone 1 and maybe even zone 2 (if there is a desert owl)

Types: There are over 200 species of owls, but here are some notable ones, you might see in Hytale. Barn owls, Great horned owls, snow owls (already confirmed), Tawny owls and eagle owls.

Diet: Owls eat small mammals like Mice and rats, insects, other birds and sometimes fish! It would be really cool to watch owls hunt in Hytale, since there are already rats, mice, pigeons and fish in the game!

Aggressiveness/Danger: Owls are deadly creatures if you are a mouse, as a human, however you are unlikely to ever be attacked by an owl. There are a few scenarios, however that owls do attack humans and when they do, their sharp talons can injure people pretty badly, but this mostly occurs when a human is near or trespassing on an owls nest. I doubt Hytale will have owls attack humans, but if they do, just watch what tree you are climbing!

Random Facts: A group of owls is called a “Parliament”



Seems fitting to go from hunter to prey, so here are mice! The first time we saw a mouse was in a Hytale Behaviors Blog Post, where a mouse ate a piece of cheese, what else will they do?

Physical Traits: Mice are small rodents that span several different taxonomic genres. Mice a generally smaller than rats and are considered less of vermin. Mice can damage crops and buildings sometimes and can spread disease. If Hytale has sickness in the game, I would stay away from these creatures!

Habitat: Mice live everywhere, including some that will enter your homes for shelter and food! However, most mice live outside where they live in intricate burrow systems. It would be cool In Hytale if you had to fend off mice invading your food stores!

Types: Despite being considered Vermin, many people keep mice as pets, like House mice. Some mice you might see in the wild are Harvest Mice and wood mice. In Hytale I think the only difference would be the colors and skin.

Diet: Mice are known herbivores and will eat vegetables and grains. In a human environment they will also eat scraps of food. Ironically enough, mice do not like cheese and will only eat It, if it is the only option.

Aggressiveness: Mice are not aggressive in nature and will run away if approached. In Hytale, the most likely form of danger mice will impose is eating your food stores or spreading disease (If there is a disease mechanic).

Random Facts: Mice share a lot of genetic information with humans, hence why we use them in lab testing.


Wild Boar

We have caught a glimpse at Wild boars in Zone 1 in a clip including some Kweebecs. Boars could be a danger, or maybe just another source of food!

Physical Traits: Wild Boars are heavy and strong, being able to lift weights of over 100 pounds. Boars also have sharp teeth and tusks that it uses for defense and for tearing the ground in search for food. Boars can way over 500 pounds!

Habitat: Boars live in forests, taiga’s, mountains and deserts! I suspect we could see boars in Zone 3 and maybe 2 as well as in Zone 1 (already confirmed). This is if the Hytale team doesn’t just consider the Warthog to replace the boar in Zone 2.

Types: There are multiple sub-types of Boar in the world, usually classified from the range they live in; such as the Indian boar, or the Mediterranean boar. The most common boar is the Central European Boar.

Diet: Boars are omnivores that eat Roots, Tubers, Nuts, Insects and sometimes Carron. Boars will not actively hunt larger animals, but have been known to kill small snakes and lizards.

Aggressiveness: Boars can be very aggressive and dangerous. Their sharp teeth can cause quite a bit of damage. In Hytale we have already seen a boar chasing and young Kwebeec! Boars also damage the area around them when they look for food.

Random Facts: Boars can eat your garbage as well! If this is included in Hytale, then I would check where you throw out your food!



Woodpeckers are a lesser known Mob in Hytale, but I wanted to add them in here because of that reason. I doubt they will have an important role in the game mechanically, but they will help enhance the Immersion of the game.

Physical Traits: Woodpeckers are small birds that are known for their tell-tale pecking noise that you hear so often when exploring the woods. Woodpeckers often exhibit red feathers at the top of their heads.

Habitat: Woodpeckers live in forests throughout the word, but there are a few species that use cacti instead of tree’s for their food. I think Woodpeckers can be found in Zone 1 and Zone 3. There is a small chance of the Gila woodpecker being in Zone 2.

Types: There are 240 species of woodpeckers, some notables include the Redheaded woodpecker, Pileated woodpecker, Ladder-backed woodpecker and the Red, bellied woodpecker.

Diet: Woodpeckers are omnivores. They mostly eat insects such as ants, termites and grubs, but they can also eat berries and fruits.

Aggressiveness: Woodpeckers are not aggressive and the worst they could do is damage your property or house by pecking into it.

Random Facts: Woodpeckers Peck their own cavities for their nests to be in!


There are so many Animals in Hytale, and they will all play into making the world feel alive and real. I really cannot wait to explore the different quirks of each one and I hope that this list helped by bringing to light some of the cool stuff these animals can bring to the game!


Staff member
Wiki Editor
Dec 31, 2018
I love that Hytale has such a variation of animals! Great blogpost!


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2021
OMG this is no joke THE BEST THREAD I EVER SEEN Now i know why everyone goes to his Threads because THERE SO GOOD ITS a 4975924/10 btw i love animals and pets me animal person so that may explane y i love this thread SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH that its the first thread with lots of reading that i once and fanilly read one and this is the ONE I just dont know what to say :eek:


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2021
By Antnest8

Hytale has shown us an incredible biodiversity that exists in it’s 4 revealed zones. Most screenshots include at least one animal, each with its own behaviors and purpose. This is a sequel post to my Hytale In Reality: Metals and therefore will be following the same style and purpose: Since we don’t know much about Hytale, we can take a look at real life and possibly find some features from life that could be in the game. Without further Ado, let us get into it!

View attachment 2141


Bears are a Mob we have seen a few times in Zone 1 and it will possibly pose quite a challenge to early players. We don’t know much about bears, other than they sleep in caves

Physical Traits: Bears are generally large mammals that can weigh almost a ton (polar bears)! However, there are smaller bears like the sun bear that weigh only around 100 pounds. Bears are strong creatures with the larger specimens being able to uproot small trees and kill with a single blow! Now this would be very intimidating if added into Hytale and we can be sure that bears will hit hard. Thankfully, Armor and magic should help in fighting these creatures.

Habitat: Bears live in a variety of habitats, with most species living in heavily forested areas, except for the Polar Bear that lives on Ice Sheets. Bears will often lodge in caves, under logs or in Hillsides. This means we will see bears in Zone 1 and Zone 3. I doubt it, but there is a possibility of some bears in Zone 4’s caves as well.

Types: There are 8 Kinds of bears: Polar Bears, Brown Bears, American Black Bears, Asian Black Bears, Sun Bears, Sloth Bears, Spectacled Bears and Giant Pandas. We know that Brown Bears and Polar Bears are in Hytale so far.

Diet: Most species of Bears are omnivores, this means they will often find diverse diets of Fruit, berries and roots as well as meat. Polar Bears are mainly Carnivores and Pandas are mainly Herbivores. This means that the Brown bears of zone 1 might be eating berries as much as hunting you!

Aggressiveness/Danger: Bears are incredibly dangerous with all of them, (maybe with the exception of sun bears) having the strength to injure or kill a human in 1 blow. However, some bears are more docile and will often, just be curious of any human in the area. Panda’s are often known for being the most docile, but even then, they have been known to attack if aggravated. Bears in Hytale will likely be dangerous foes at the beginning of the game, and caution is recommended.

Random Facts: Bears can sit up, like humans. I just think this would be funny if implemented in game.


Frogs have been a fan favorite for a long time now, starting with the fen stalkers and their cute interactions with their jumpy friends. Now with the addition of the Ancient Toad/Stegosaurus frog/Whatever it is, frogs are becoming more popular than ever, so here are some frog facts.

Physical Traits: Frogs are small amphibians that live in moist climates around the world. The Frog family (this includes toads) is one of the most diverse invertebrate families on earth. The largest frogs can grow up to a foot in real life and can be as small as 7.7 millimeters!! Frogs cannot be away from water for long as their skin requires moisture.

Habitat: Frogs live all across the world in different habitats, frogs live in Wetlands, rainforests, grasslands, Deciduous and coniferous forests. So we will probably see frogs in Zone 1 and 4

Types: Frogs are an incredibly diverse genus, but some notables include Poison Dart Frogs, Toads, Tree frogs, Bullfrogs and Purple Frogs. I really hope, Poison Dart Frogs are added

Diet: Frogs are largely Carnivorous!!! But you don’t have to worry, because frogs can only eat small creatures (usually insects). In a recent postcard, the team revealed a larger variation of a frog with large scale/spikes on it’s back. If there are large enough frogs in Hytale, then there could be a danger.

Aggressiveness/Danger: Frogs are not aggressive to humans and will usually hop away if confronted. However, there are a few frogs that can kill you, notably the poison dart frogs, which secrete neurotoxins. There are also frogs that will try to intimidate you by enlarging themselves, which is not dangerous, but it is kind of funny

Random Facts: There is no taxonomic (genetic) difference between Frogs and Toads.


We have often seen owl’s flying around near the tree tops of Zone 3. However, one does wonder how much owls will actually play-into the world. Here are some facts and maybe we could get a few hints?

Physical Traits: Owls are relatively medium birds of prey, the hunt mostly nocturnally and can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees!!

Habitat: Owls can live in a variety of environments, but usually reside in Forests. The snowy owl can live in the tundra. Desert owls can live in the tundra and some can even live in the jungle. This would cover all of the known Zones of Orbis, but so far, owls have only been seen in Zone 3, but I think that they will likely be found in Zone 1 and maybe even zone 2 (if there is a desert owl)

Types: There are over 200 species of owls, but here are some notable ones, you might see in Hytale. Barn owls, Great horned owls, snow owls (already confirmed), Tawny owls and eagle owls.

Diet: Owls eat small mammals like Mice and rats, insects, other birds and sometimes fish! It would be really cool to watch owls hunt in Hytale, since there are already rats, mice, pigeons and fish in the game!

Aggressiveness/Danger: Owls are deadly creatures if you are a mouse, as a human, however you are unlikely to ever be attacked by an owl. There are a few scenarios, however that owls do attack humans and when they do, their sharp talons can injure people pretty badly, but this mostly occurs when a human is near or trespassing on an owls nest. I doubt Hytale will have owls attack humans, but if they do, just watch what tree you are climbing!

Random Facts: A group of owls is called a “Parliament”


Seems fitting to go from hunter to prey, so here are mice! The first time we saw a mouse was in a Hytale Behaviors Blog Post, where a mouse ate a piece of cheese, what else will they do?

Physical Traits: Mice are small rodents that span several different taxonomic genres. Mice a generally smaller than rats and are considered less of vermin. Mice can damage crops and buildings sometimes and can spread disease. If Hytale has sickness in the game, I would stay away from these creatures!

Habitat: Mice live everywhere, including some that will enter your homes for shelter and food! However, most mice live outside where they live in intricate burrow systems. It would be cool In Hytale if you had to fend off mice invading your food stores!

Types: Despite being considered Vermin, many people keep mice as pets, like House mice. Some mice you might see in the wild are Harvest Mice and wood mice. In Hytale I think the only difference would be the colors and skin.

Diet: Mice are known herbivores and will eat vegetables and grains. In a human environment they will also eat scraps of food. Ironically enough, mice do not like cheese and will only eat It, if it is the only option.

Aggressiveness: Mice are not aggressive in nature and will run away if approached. In Hytale, the most likely form of danger mice will impose is eating your food stores or spreading disease (If there is a disease mechanic).

Random Facts: Mice share a lot of genetic information with humans, hence why we use them in lab testing.

Wild Boar

We have caught a glimpse at Wild boars in Zone 1 in a clip including some Kweebecs. Boars could be a danger, or maybe just another source of food!

Physical Traits: Wild Boars are heavy and strong, being able to lift weights of over 100 pounds. Boars also have sharp teeth and tusks that it uses for defense and for tearing the ground in search for food. Boars can way over 500 pounds!

Habitat: Boars live in forests, taiga’s, mountains and deserts! I suspect we could see boars in Zone 3 and maybe 2 as well as in Zone 1 (already confirmed). This is if the Hytale team doesn’t just consider the Warthog to replace the boar in Zone 2.

Types: There are multiple sub-types of Boar in the world, usually classified from the range they live in; such as the Indian boar, or the Mediterranean boar. The most common boar is the Central European Boar.

Diet: Boars are omnivores that eat Roots, Tubers, Nuts, Insects and sometimes Carron. Boars will not actively hunt larger animals, but have been known to kill small snakes and lizards.

Aggressiveness: Boars can be very aggressive and dangerous. Their sharp teeth can cause quite a bit of damage. In Hytale we have already seen a boar chasing and young Kwebeec! Boars also damage the area around them when they look for food.

Random Facts: Boars can eat your garbage as well! If this is included in Hytale, then I would check where you throw out your food!


Woodpeckers are a lesser known Mob in Hytale, but I wanted to add them in here because of that reason. I doubt they will have an important role in the game mechanically, but they will help enhance the Immersion of the game.

Physical Traits: Woodpeckers are small birds that are known for their tell-tale pecking noise that you hear so often when exploring the woods. Woodpeckers often exhibit red feathers at the top of their heads.

Habitat: Woodpeckers live in forests throughout the word, but there are a few species that use cacti instead of tree’s for their food. I think Woodpeckers can be found in Zone 1 and Zone 3. There is a small chance of the Gila woodpecker being in Zone 2.

Types: There are 240 species of woodpeckers, some notables include the Redheaded woodpecker, Pileated woodpecker, Ladder-backed woodpecker and the Red, bellied woodpecker.

Diet: Woodpeckers are omnivores. They mostly eat insects such as ants, termites and grubs, but they can also eat berries and fruits.

Aggressiveness: Woodpeckers are not aggressive and the worst they could do is damage your property or house by pecking into it.

Random Facts: Woodpeckers Peck their own cavities for their nests to be in!


There are so many Animals in Hytale, and they will all play into making the world feel alive and real. I really cannot wait to explore the different quirks of each one and I hope that this list helped by bringing to light some of the cool stuff these animals can bring to the game!
I cant wait for part 2


Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
Feb 12, 2020
OMG this is no joke THE BEST THREAD I EVER SEEN Now i know why everyone goes to his Threads because THERE SO GOOD ITS a 4975924/10 btw i love animals and pets me animal person so that may explane y i love this thread SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH that its the first thread with lots of reading that i once and fanilly read one and this is the ONE I just dont know what to say :eek:
Thank you! I try to put a lot of effort into each of these!


Staff member
Jan 4, 2019
Amazing post! Absolutely amazing attention to detail!


Lead Moderator & Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
May 19, 2019
Great post, lots of good detail and information.


Staff member
Jan 2, 2019
Nicely done and well informed!


Staff member
Dec 31, 2018
Woah, what an incredible post. Just woah, literally.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2021
wow old members coming to look at @Antnest8 thread this has to be the best one :eek: