What do you think? do hypixel studio need to make basic plugins like , register/login and ranks and others? And to put source code in github so other plugin developers to update them
"Hytale’s server technology will be provided shared source, which means that everyone will be able to read the server code. "
The server will be open source which means there could be a different approach to plugins. I think what Hytale expects us todo is to modify the server source so that we integrate code and resources of our own. However there are 100% going to be communities like spigot out there who will make an API where developers can plugin their java sources. I know for sure that I will be creating my own server.jar so I do not have to worry about external java plugins.
Hytale gives developers/owners more freedom by giving you most of the resources like the 3D modelling tools, server sources, assets which is a lot more attractive for community owners.