Hi everyone!!! I'm ColdMeson_06, and I'm am getting levels of hype for the game that shouldn't even be possible! I will literally die if it turns out to be No Mans Sky 2.
I have tons of experience in programming in general and I'm fanatic for screaming fast software/mods/games (as my firsts computers couldn't even handle vanilla Minecraft), so if you are planning to re-implement tech mods like Applied Energistics, Thermal Expansion, Red Power or knows a group that is planning it, call me out right now!
Also, I like teaching things too! so, if you want to learn Hytale modding (when it's released) or make random programming questions, add me on discord.
I'm also planning to start my own YouTube channel some weeks after the release of the game, where I will teach mods making and be showcasing yours! Mostly because I couldn't find any Hytale channel that talked about technical stuff ):
I'm also full pissed off about the current state of Hytale content on youtube with all the clickbait thumbs and lying uppercase titles! but that's not the type of thing you discuss in an introduction post right?
Sure, all of that if I don't die of hype before the release.
Sorry for the bad English though...
I have tons of experience in programming in general and I'm fanatic for screaming fast software/mods/games (as my firsts computers couldn't even handle vanilla Minecraft), so if you are planning to re-implement tech mods like Applied Energistics, Thermal Expansion, Red Power or knows a group that is planning it, call me out right now!
Also, I like teaching things too! so, if you want to learn Hytale modding (when it's released) or make random programming questions, add me on discord.
I'm also planning to start my own YouTube channel some weeks after the release of the game, where I will teach mods making and be showcasing yours! Mostly because I couldn't find any Hytale channel that talked about technical stuff ):
I'm also full pissed off about the current state of Hytale content on youtube with all the clickbait thumbs and lying uppercase titles! but that's not the type of thing you discuss in an introduction post right?
Sure, all of that if I don't die of hype before the release.
Sorry for the bad English though...