Hey all, Morridan Here!
There was a suggestion on the twitter account for Baskets to hold your small pets in. I love that idea. But there were other ideas too about battle companions. I have been really inspired by all of these great ideas and I would LOVE to see some of these in game. I even have my own ideas to add to it. So why not crank up the ideas and take them a step further in a kind of "Taming" mechanic that can be like a sort of "Loyalty" meter? And below is how they might interact with such a thing.
Familiars: Things that you must tame, and keep taming that give you very specific bonuses.
*Sprites: Elemental or Divine creatures. A Fire Sprite for example would give you +10% fire damage dealt (but not physical damage). A water sprite might give you a
bonus to breathing underwater or swim speed. Maybe you have to feed Sprites something to keep them "Tamed".
*Summons: Little creatures that you can order to become full-size and rampage for a short while. Maybe doing so causes it's tamed status to go down, so every
time you use it, you have to build its "Trust" back up or something. Also, they would only have a short time to rampage around before getting tired and
reverting back to their previous size.
*Aeons: Divine critters that offer you a single use ability that's really strong in battle OR really useful in building. One might make you a prefabricated house. While
--another may pop into a fountain of materials or stone blocks. I imagine these would be very rare to locate, let alone "Tame".
Companions: Things that are mid-sized and may or may not fit in a basket.
*Battle Companions: Something that can level up with you, but can also die in combat if you are not careful. They can also wear "Collars" that not only give them a
name, but might also give them a bonus to a stat. Spiked collars give bonus damage perhaps. "Thicc" collars give them bonus HP or Armor. Etcetera.
I imagine that these would be fairly common, but hard to "Tame".
*Lax Companions: These are just pets. And they are just happy to be around. Maybe they have custom animations for 'playing' with your character. Hopping around
making cute noises are some of the things I imagine they would be especially good at =D.
Minions: Creatures you capture against their will and then set free later. They become hostile to EVERYTHING except other minions. (even yourself). So while they would be good to let loose on a horde of enemies, if they are all victorious, they may decide to turn their vengeance on you! =O
*Monsters: I imagine most monsters could be minions. Because after you set them free, they would want a piece of you as well. Maybe their "Aggro" is based off of
proximity. I imagine they would be captured and held in some device. Maybe call them "Capsules"
*Constructs: Perhaps we could craft our own minions, and when we throw their "Capsules", they guard a large area from other non-minion based creatures. So
while they will defend that area, they will also stop you from crossing into there too (or try). After all, science is a very dangerous field! ^u^
There was a suggestion on the twitter account for Baskets to hold your small pets in. I love that idea. But there were other ideas too about battle companions. I have been really inspired by all of these great ideas and I would LOVE to see some of these in game. I even have my own ideas to add to it. So why not crank up the ideas and take them a step further in a kind of "Taming" mechanic that can be like a sort of "Loyalty" meter? And below is how they might interact with such a thing.
Familiars: Things that you must tame, and keep taming that give you very specific bonuses.
*Sprites: Elemental or Divine creatures. A Fire Sprite for example would give you +10% fire damage dealt (but not physical damage). A water sprite might give you a
bonus to breathing underwater or swim speed. Maybe you have to feed Sprites something to keep them "Tamed".
*Summons: Little creatures that you can order to become full-size and rampage for a short while. Maybe doing so causes it's tamed status to go down, so every
time you use it, you have to build its "Trust" back up or something. Also, they would only have a short time to rampage around before getting tired and
reverting back to their previous size.
*Aeons: Divine critters that offer you a single use ability that's really strong in battle OR really useful in building. One might make you a prefabricated house. While
--another may pop into a fountain of materials or stone blocks. I imagine these would be very rare to locate, let alone "Tame".
Companions: Things that are mid-sized and may or may not fit in a basket.
*Battle Companions: Something that can level up with you, but can also die in combat if you are not careful. They can also wear "Collars" that not only give them a
name, but might also give them a bonus to a stat. Spiked collars give bonus damage perhaps. "Thicc" collars give them bonus HP or Armor. Etcetera.
I imagine that these would be fairly common, but hard to "Tame".
*Lax Companions: These are just pets. And they are just happy to be around. Maybe they have custom animations for 'playing' with your character. Hopping around
making cute noises are some of the things I imagine they would be especially good at =D.
Minions: Creatures you capture against their will and then set free later. They become hostile to EVERYTHING except other minions. (even yourself). So while they would be good to let loose on a horde of enemies, if they are all victorious, they may decide to turn their vengeance on you! =O
*Monsters: I imagine most monsters could be minions. Because after you set them free, they would want a piece of you as well. Maybe their "Aggro" is based off of
proximity. I imagine they would be captured and held in some device. Maybe call them "Capsules"
*Constructs: Perhaps we could craft our own minions, and when we throw their "Capsules", they guard a large area from other non-minion based creatures. So
while they will defend that area, they will also stop you from crossing into there too (or try). After all, science is a very dangerous field! ^u^