We have decided to accept your application for the position of "Helper". Please be aware that while you are not required to sign an NDA, you will need to sign one in order to join the Staff Discord and to able to participate in sensitive Staff-related discussions. Signing an NDA is a legally binding agreement between you and Hytale Hub LLC. You must be at least 18 years of age in order to sign one, or have a parent sign for you if you are younger. The names disclosed within the agreement must be legitimate, but in theory would remain private and kept between both the management of Hytale Hub LLC and the signing party.
Again, the NDA is not a requirement unless you're interested in joining our Staff Discord. Please let me know which route you'd like to take. In the mean time, I've assigned a Helper role to you here at HytaleHub.com. Please be sure to join our various Discord servers so that I can provide you with the appropriate roles there as well. If you need links to any of these, let me know, and I'll be happy to provide you with those.
As a Helper, we'd like you to welcome new users here, and on the Discord servers, and we'd also like you to help stimulate activity by creating and/or responding to threads here at HytaleHub.com, over at R/HytaleForum, and on the Discord servers. Any activity over at the Fandom Wiki is an added bonus. If you perform these duties exceedingly well enough, then it's likely that you'll be well on your way towards eventually becoming a moderator!
Congratulations, and we're very glad to have you on the team!