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ChangeLogs (v.2.0.1)
New features & commands + general bug fixing & polishing.
- Invite Manager
- Welcome Messages
- Leveling System
- 99.9% uptime | no more crashes
- Rewarding roles on leveling
- Improved Blog Post’s updater
- Graphics added to profiles & ranking, hytale themed.
- Pets are disabled for a revamp
- Improved bot’s code in general to a whole new library.
Detailed documentation:
The bot comes with many useful features, invite manager, mee6’s leveling system with role rewarding, giveaways, polls & a whole RPG system built-in with the Hytale theme stuck to it.
Allows you to set the prefix of the discord bot. (Max length = 10)
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setprefix <prefix>
h!setprefix !
Then the bot would respond to all the commands with ! as its prefix.
Poll:Used to manage and create polls for the server.
Aliases: polls, poll
- Children commands:
– add <index> <emoji> <option>
– preview <index>
– create <question>
– list
– delete <index>
– info <index>
– deploy <index> <#channel>
Step 1: Creating the question
- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll create <question>
h!poll create When will the next update come out?
Then the bot would create the poll for that question.
Step 2: Making sure the question was created/added- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll list
h!poll list
You should now have a list showing, with the question you created as the first index or possibly whatever the number, depending upon if you’ve used the bot in the past or not.
The index/ranking of the question is what we’d use to add emojis, delete poll, preview, deploy or find info regarding the poll.Step 3: Adding our options & reactions
- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll add <index> <emoji> <option>
h!poll add 1 ❤️ Next Month
h!poll add 1 ✏️ Next Next Month
You can add up to 20 options & reaction emojis due to discord’s limit for reactions on a message.
Note: If you’re using custom emojis, make sure the bot is added to the server the emoji is originally from for it to display on the poll.
Step 4: Previewing the poll- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll preview <index>
h!poll preview 1
The bot would then send a preview of the poll that you made.
If you’re unsatisfied with the result, redo the whole process till you’re satisfied with the result.
To delete a poll, do the following:-- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll delete <index>
h!poll delete 1
The bot would then delete that poll.
Step 5: Deploying the poll (Final Step)- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll deploy <index> <#channel>
h!poll deploy 1 #general
The bot would send the message & add the reactions to that specified channel right after inputting the command.
Poll info:- 🔹 Example of use: h!poll info <index>
h!poll info 1
Helps you to view the information of a non-deployed poll.
SetColor:Changes the majority of colored embed messages from the bot.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setcolor <#HEX-Code>
h!setcolor #00FF00
After the usage of the command, the bot would send it’s embed messages to the color set.
SetReddit:Sets the Reddit of the discord server
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setreddit <reddit>
h!setreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HytaleForum/
h!setreddit /r/HytaleForum
Whichever way suits you best.
SetLeaderboardFormat:Setup the formatting of the invite manager's leaderboard on the server
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setleaderboardformat
Setup & use the variables for your own personalization of the bot for the server.
Blog:Subscribe & Unsubscribe from the blog post updates.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!blog <subscribe/unsubscribe>
h!blog subscribe
Start the process of setting up the subscriptions of the blog posts.
h!blog unsubscribe
Unsubscribe from the blog post updates that were setup.
AddReward:Add a role as a reward for reaching a specific level through the leveling system of the bot.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!addreward <level> <@Role>
h!addreward 5 @Level5
The bot would assign the role to the users upon hitting the level 5
The leveling system can’t be exploited by spamming msgs constantly, it gives XP every minute at a random scale to the users chatting.
RemoveReward:Remove a role from the rewards for reaching a specific level through the leveling system of the bot.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!removereward <level>
h!removereward 10
The bot would remove the rewards from level 10
Giveaway:Create & manage the giveaways for the server
Aliases: giveaway, g
- Children commands:
– start
–end <giveaway messageId>
– list
– reroll <giveaway messageId>
To create a giveaway, make sure to run the giveaway start command
- 🔹 Example of use: h!g start
h!g start
Then the bot would start the process of asking questions to create the giveaway with an interactive setup.
Ending a Giveaway- 🔹 Example of use: h!g end <giveaway messageId>
h!g end 745771492100407326
Running the command will end the giveaway without picking a winner.
List of all the giveaways- 🔹 Example of use: h!g list
h!g list
Running the command will send the list of all the giveaways on the server, both running & expired.
Rerolling the winners of a giveaway- 🔹 Example of use: h!g reroll <giveaway messageId>
h!g reroll 745771492100407326
Running the command will reroll the winners for that giveaway.
SetTwitter:Sets the Twitter of the discord server
- 🔹 Example of use: h!settwitter <twitter>
h!settwitter https://twitter.com/HytaleBotnet
h!settwitter @HytaleBotnet
Whichever way suits you best.
SetWebsite:Sets the website of the discord server
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setwebsite <website>
h!setwebsite https://hytalebot.net/
SetWelcomeMessage:Set the welcome message of the discord server
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setwelcomemessage
Setup & use the variables for your own personalization of the bot for the server through the embed builder.
You can also set up invite tracking through the variables available.
SetWelcomeChannel:Set the welcome channel of the server where the welcome message would be sent.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!setwelcomechannel #channel
h!setwelcomechannel #general
You can only have one of these sent out to a channel, not multiple.
AAR (Auto Assignable Roles)Used to create auto assignable roles for the new users joining the server.
- Children commands:
– add @Role/<roleId>
– list
– stats
– remove @Role/<roleId> - 🔹 Example of use: h!aar add @Role/<roleId>
h!aar add @Member
The bot would assign that role automatically after the new users/members joining the server with no delays.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!aar list
h!aar list
Lists all the current auto assignable roles.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!aar stats
h!aar stats
Used to display how many times a role has been assigned by the bot.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!aar remove @Role/<roleId>
h!aar remove @Member
The bot would remove the auto assignable role from the list of assignable.
Tag:Used to manage server tags & create custom commands with responses of choice.
- Children commands:
– add <key> <value>
– list
– value <key>
– remove <key> - 🔹 Example of use: h!tag add <key> <value>
h!tag add Update The new update is coming out on 2021
The bot would add the value The new update is coming out in 2021 to the key/custom command Update.
To use that key with its value set, run h!tag <key>
- 🔹 Example of use: h!tag list
h!tag list
Lists all the tags made/available.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!tag value <key>
h!tag value Update
Get the value of a tag with a specific key.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!tag remove <key>
h!tag remove Update
Removes the tag.
🌐 UniversalReddit:
Responds with the Reddit set for the server.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!reddit
Website:Responds with the website set for the server.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!website
Twitter:Responds with the twitter set for the server.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!twitter
Invite:Responds with the Invite of Hytale Bot link, to be able to add to your server!
- 🔹 Example of use: h!invite
BotStats:View stats of the bot
- 🔹 Example of use: h!botstats
Info:View information of the discord bot
- 🔹 Example of use: h!info
Help:Get help with all the commands!
- 🔹 Example of use: h!help
h!help <command>
Gives the instructions for the usage of the command specified.
📜 UtilityLevel:
View your level/rank on the server in a graphic form.
Aliases: level, lvl, rank
- 🔹 Example of use: h!level
Would display the level of your profile on the server, the leveling/exp works based on your activity on the server.
Name:Check if a Hytale Name is available or taken, through https://hytalenames.org/ API.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!name <username/name>
h!name Hytale
Would display the information of the given username through the API of Hytale Names.
Leaderboard:Get the Invites Leaderboard of the server
- 🔹 Example of use: h!leaderboard
Latest:Get the latest news for many future subscriptions, for now, it’s Hytale’s Blog Post.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!latest blog
h!latest blog
Pulls the latest blog post from hytale.com
⚔️ RPGMove:
Use the command to move across Orbis.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!move <location>
h!move mine
Moves your character’s location to the mines.
List of Locations:
- ⛰ MINE
- 🍆 FARM
View your RPG Profile in a graphic form.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!profile
Fight:Fight for items you can sell at the market.
This command is only useable in the Dungeon.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!fight
Rpg:Get a list of all RPG commands
- 🔹 Example of use: h!rpg
Energy:View how much energy your character has
- 🔹 Example of use: h!energy
Pets:- Unavailable because of the revamp.
Chop trees and receive items.
This command is only useable in the Forest.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!chop
Health:View how much health you have
- 🔹 Example of use: h!health
Locations:View the places you can move across Orbis
- 🔹 Example of use: h!locations
Explore:Explore the world of Orbis!
- 🔹 Example of use: h!explore
Mine:Mine for items you can sell at the market
This command is only useable in the Mine.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!mine
Fish:Fish for items you can sell at the market
This command is only useable on the Island.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!fish
Money:View your balance
- 🔹 Example of use: h!money
Money Top:View the top 10 rich users on the leaderboard
- 🔹 Example of use: h!money top
h!money top
Backpack:View what items your player is currently carrying
- 🔹 Example of use: h!backpack
Sell:Sell the items in your backpack for HyCoins
This command is only useable in the Market.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!sell
Farm:Sell the items in your backpack for HyCoins
This command is only useable in the Market.
- 🔹 Example of use: h!farm
Shop:Purchase items from the shop
This command is only useable in the Store.
- Children commands:
– backpacks
– pets - 🔹 Example of use: h!shop <pets/backpacks>
h!shop backpacks
Shops for backpacks
h!shop pets
Unavailable because of the revamp.
🥳 End of the Documentation! 🥳
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