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Saluki's Developer Application


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2019
If you want a slightly better formatted version of this, please see this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16TFefqNXEWB6TIGdPWWnylv3MWnXN-VJQVkts6I9Nbc/edit?usp=drivesdk (I posted the final draft of this via my mobile and couldn't really format it on the website, but I've got it looking nicer in this document. Thanks!

For Developers:
Which Site or Discord server are you applying to? (Please specify all that may apply!) HytaleHub (Discord & Website), I will happily help out on others if required.
What is your forum username? SalukiCorp
What is your discord username? Saluki#7350
How old are you? 14 (I am aware of the age requirement, but Pearson told me I could apply anyway and see what happens)
What timezone are you in? GMT
How many hours per day would you be available to devote towards Hytale Hub?This would vary quite a lot, I have other commitments and projects that I work on as well, but I would say it would range between an hour and 4 hours. Although it would be possible for me to be flexible depending on how badly you needed me.
Do you have any previous experience developing websites, gameservers, games, or software? (Please include as much detail as possible, including links to sites that you've made, Github profile(s), portfolio(s), etc.) Yes, I've made quite a lot of things before. I have a reasonable amount of experience in using Unity & C# (Unity frameworks). You can find my game development 'studio' here: https://discord.gg/9xAFuNT. We have launched a game on the Google Play store previously, but we've taken it down to give us time to work on our current and more long-term projects. I have also got experience in using Bootstrap studio, I've made quite a few sites (a lot better than the only one I have up right now), but my only current one is https://salukicorporation.com/, which is in dire need of being updated and revamped. I do own salukiservers.com, but as that project has been discontinued I'm not sure how long the site would be up and running. (It does use some open open source GitHub software called NamelessMC, but I have edited this software with my very low PHP knowledge to change a few things).

I also have some previous experience making Discord bots in NodeJS. I've never made anything super cool, but would be willing to learn from other developers and am quite receptive and capable of picking new things up. I have used Python before to create a few simple games and chatbots as well as clocks and insult generators (so nothing fancy, just somethings I may be able to apply to a Python project if I ever needed to work on one). I am also very experienced with configuring web software (I have setup Flarum, XenForo and countless other systems before - and have even considered starting a web hosting business because of it).
What programming languages are you most fluent in? (If there's more than one, please specify each and state your level of fluency, either: a little, an average amount, or a lot of experience) Whilst I have experience in quite a few, my most fluent would definitely be C#, followed by Python and JavaScript. These are the only languages I feel I could do something cool in right now, and whilst I have mentioned the use of others above, I've never made my own project in one of them.
What are your real life hobbies? I enjoy some sporting events such as cross country and basketball, but especially more tactical games like capture the flag. I also recently left my scouting group, due to the fact that they didn't do anything new each year and it was getting a bit repetitive, but I definitely enjoyed that while it lasted.
Are you currently employed? If so, where?
Do you currently work for any other Hytale or Minecraft related projects? (Please specify any and all affiliations in your answer) Hytime Network - I'm a member of their administrative team and have written some HTML pages for their website (rules etc) as well as helping out with various things including contacting organizations on their behalf (that's pretty much just me sending Hytale emails to see if we could have a chance to try out some of their software before launch, allowing us to have something ready for launch).
Tell us about one of your greatest achievements in life, as well as one of your greatest failures. I think my greatest achievement was probably getting Head Boy at my middle school a year or so ago now, as it meant I could have a much more influential role in the community and help to improve the school, which I think I managed to do as in the time I was there, we got more staff at school and a new computing room, new toilets and a new IT lab with computers that actually loaded up within half an hour.

My greatest failure could have been a few things, but I think it would probably be back when I was 9 or 10 and Mineplex (remember that Minecraft server?) was still quite popular, and I would spend hours writing trainee applications, just to have them declined a few days later. Needless to say, this was a great learning opportunity and allowed me to gain a lot of experience in the field of application writing.


Dreamleaf | CEO
Nov 7, 2019
Do you have a github?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2019
(I recommend checking out my Google Docs version as that's the one I'm going to tweak when I think of something new that's been missed). Thanks!