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[The Very First] The Hytale Magazine: Twitter News, BackGears, The Infinite Lands and More!


New member
Jan 4, 2019
Hello fellow Hytalians! I hope you are as hyped as much as I am for this game! This is the first of the what I call the "Hytale Magazine", a blog about deep speculation and analysis, aswell as question solving and more! Before starting, maybe you want to hear about myself: my nick is Arreme and I'm studying a double degree in Computer Science and Game Design. I really like to analise games and Hytale will be the best for practising these skills (and a bit of english writing, which is always welcome :p). Lets not lose more time and jump straight in with the first topic:

1. Confirmed the studio for creating 3D meshes:
Thats right! In a Twitter discussion Noxy stated that the program "Craftstudio" was one of the main inspirations for creating the 3D modelling tool we will be using on Hytale: Captura.PNG
Later on, there was a quote by another Hytale Staff, Élisée, who sent the link of the video Noxy was talking about. Then he stated that the software they are developing it was a separate thing. So if your aim is creating 3D meshes, you know how to already start practising!

2. Caverns, what they mean and what can affect gameplay side:
As you can see, there isa lot to cover in here! First of and a thing that called my attention is that the 4 and 3 zones do not have lava on it's low level. Instead, there is vegetation and what it seems peaceful lakes. Will there be more danger in the surface than below the depths? In my opinion it's actually strange how they decided to divide the world in zones and not with the common biomes we are all used to. In fact, as the article says, races and blocks are the same for each zone. This could mean 2 things: zones have either easy and difficult biomes and you need to be changing them for different crafting materials (In other words, difficult is arranged by another system which is not strictly the zones) or, on the other hand, zones act as gameplay separators which denotate a peace bewteen the layers of the story. You explore the zone 1 and then you are forced to visit the zone 2, till the last one, just like the mario games (Your princess is in another zone :unsure:). Either way, I'm tending more to the first option I explained. Honestly, this would make the game much less repetitive and it would work perfectly with the procedurally generated engine they have created. Finally, just a quick thought: They have shown us a lot of what we have beneath us but not much of what we have ON TOP of us, like the economy systems of the NPC's or the material gathering. In what stage do you think it will be necessary to explore the caverns? What theme do you think have the unannounced zones? Write down in the comments your opinion!

3. BackGears
BackGears were introduced in the 3rd concept art photo they posted. As you can see there is a lot of focus on items that make you fly, probably with different controls. Thats why I was that specific with what we had ON TOP of us in the previous section. You know, in terms of Game Design EVERYTHING has it's purpose. And all of these flying gadgets are not an exception. Do you see the Diving Device? Well we have a sort of Zone X called the deep sea where you make use of that. Could this mean a supposed Zone Y where you need to fly to get there? Or a dimension? Probably. Finally I want to make special mention to the faction totem. Remember that all of these gadgets are on your back, so they need to be pretty useful.

4. The Infinite Lands:
"Beyond the oceans lie the infinite lands. Hytale's storyline won't take you out that far, but our worldgen tech will ensure that there's always something for you to find beyond the edges of the world." This is in fact a quote from the blog. I had a sudden shiver down my spine (Extra points who gets that) when I read that. We really hadn't got any game with procedural generation that had an infinite z dimension. This could mean a LOT of things really: Extensive character progression, infinite weapons and levels. Surely this will get repetitive in some point, but if they actually aim for a dungeon crawler type of experience, we could be in front of a really curated experience for the last game phase. Really need to know about that more.

And that's all folks!
Thank you for reading my first blog of these series. Please don't hesitate and comment me some of your questions and ill answer them the best way I can't in the next article. See you and have a nice day.

~ Arreme


New member
Jan 4, 2019
I might want too start something like this for the next Hytale blog post lol


Dr. Shrek
Jan 3, 2019
Thank you for this information! Can I subscribe to this magazine? xD


Staff member
Wiki Editor
Dec 31, 2018
Best magazine


New member
Jan 5, 2019
Nice! Looking forward to these


New member
Jan 5, 2019
When it says “ Infinite Lands” does that remind anybody of the Far Lands in Minecraft?


Jan 4, 2019
Hello fellow Hytalians! I hope you are as hyped as much as I am for this game! This is the first of the what I call the "Hytale Magazine", a blog about deep speculation and analysis, aswell as question solving and more! Before starting, maybe you want to hear about myself: my nick is Arreme and I'm studying a double degree in Computer Science and Game Design. I really like to analise games and Hytale will be the best for practising these skills (and a bit of english writing, which is always welcome :p). Lets not lose more time and jump straight in with the first topic:

1. Confirmed the studio for creating 3D meshes:
Thats right! In a Twitter discussion Noxy stated that the program "Craftstudio" was one of the main inspirations for creating the 3D modelling tool we will be using on Hytale: View attachment 43
Later on, there was a quote by another Hytale Staff, Élisée, who sent the link of the video Noxy was talking about. Then he stated that the software they are developing it was a separate thing. So if your aim is creating 3D meshes, you know how to already start practising!

2. Caverns, what they mean and what can affect gameplay side:
View attachment 45
As you can see, there isa lot to cover in here! First of and a thing that called my attention is that the 4 and 3 zones do not have lava on it's low level. Instead, there is vegetation and what it seems peaceful lakes. Will there be more danger in the surface than below the depths? In my opinion it's actually strange how they decided to divide the world in zones and not with the common biomes we are all used to. In fact, as the article says, races and blocks are the same for each zone. This could mean 2 things: zones have either easy and difficult biomes and you need to be changing them for different crafting materials (In other words, difficult is arranged by another system which is not strictly the zones) or, on the other hand, zones act as gameplay separators which denotate a peace bewteen the layers of the story. You explore the zone 1 and then you are forced to visit the zone 2, till the last one, just like the mario games (Your princess is in another zone :unsure:). Either way, I'm tending more to the first option I explained. Honestly, this would make the game much less repetitive and it would work perfectly with the procedurally generated engine they have created. Finally, just a quick thought: They have shown us a lot of what we have beneath us but not much of what we have ON TOP of us, like the economy systems of the NPC's or the material gathering. In what stage do you think it will be necessary to explore the caverns? What theme do you think have the unannounced zones? Write down in the comments your opinion!

3. BackGears
View attachment 46
BackGears were introduced in the 3rd concept art photo they posted. As you can see there is a lot of focus on items that make you fly, probably with different controls. Thats why I was that specific with what we had ON TOP of us in the previous section. You know, in terms of Game Design EVERYTHING has it's purpose. And all of these flying gadgets are not an exception. Do you see the Diving Device? Well we have a sort of Zone X called the deep sea where you make use of that. Could this mean a supposed Zone Y where you need to fly to get there? Or a dimension? Probably. Finally I want to make special mention to the faction totem. Remember that all of these gadgets are on your back, so they need to be pretty useful.

4. The Infinite Lands:
"Beyond the oceans lie the infinite lands. Hytale's storyline won't take you out that far, but our worldgen tech will ensure that there's always something for you to find beyond the edges of the world." This is in fact a quote from the blog. I had a sudden shiver down my spine (Extra points who gets that) when I read that. We really hadn't got any game with procedural generation that had an infinite z dimension. This could mean a LOT of things really: Extensive character progression, infinite weapons and levels. Surely this will get repetitive in some point, but if they actually aim for a dungeon crawler type of experience, we could be in front of a really curated experience for the last game phase. Really need to know about that more.

And that's all folks!
Thank you for reading my first blog of these series. Please don't hesitate and comment me some of your questions and ill answer them the best way I can't in the next article. See you and have a nice day.

~ Arreme
Very good work indeed!